Leading in both science and ethics.

KoBold meets the highest standards of safety, integrity, and respect for people and the environment.

Our Standards

KoBold’s 6 ethics. These are crucial areas where businesses often fall short.

KoBold is a young company. We’re not only inventing new science to discover critical materials; we’re building a company that’s a force for good.



Ethics starts with respect for the health and lives of people at our work sites. We plan every KoBold operation to anticipate and mitigate risks before an injury can even occur.



KoBold will never pay a bribe. We will walk away from deals, discoveries, and whole countries rather than participate in corruption. We will show that the world’s best investors and the world’s best innovators don’t tolerate corruption.


Community Support

We know that our success depends on precious resources we did not create: exceptional mineral deposits and, just as important, the skills, commitment, infrastructure, understanding, and goodwill of the communities where we work.


Environmental Protection

Our job at KoBold is to make breakthroughs the world needs to protect against the worst environmental threat of our lives. We will demonstrate that every part of our business can be environmentally responsible.



KoBold will beat our competition, disrupt our industries, and live up to our principles by hiring and promoting talented people from every background, including innovators of color, women innovators, and LGBTQ innovators everywhere we work.



At KoBold, you will find a passion to be honest about everything: good news, bad news, what we know, and what we don’t. Even when we operate in sixty countries on six continents, honesty will be the language that everyone at KoBold speaks.

"We know that meeting KoBold’s high ethical standards is hard. It’s as hard as inventing breakthrough technology. To us, it’s just as essential."

Sandy Alexander, General Counsel
kobold_side of mountain

Discover more about KoBold.